Friday, February 23, 2018

5 Reasons for Hiring a Carpet Cleaner

Giving your carpet a professional clean guarantees you a healthy carpet and good indoor air quality. If your carpet is to withstand the test of time and have you benefit from its numerous high points, you will have to follow the wise course of getting it professionally cleaned.

Below are five reasons why hiring a professional carpet cleaner is important.

A Healthy Carpet & Good Indoor Air Quality

Children are prone to making a mess of things either intentionally or not. Dirty carpets are potential health destroyers. You need to keep your carpet healthy, free of microorganisms and allergens due to the presence of pet hair and dust mites. With milk, drinks, food and mud finding their way into your carpet, only a professional cleaner can get it back to how it’s supposed to be.

Carpet Type

Carpets are made of different kinds of fabric. Plush carpets require more than the usual attention. A DIY approach cannot get them disinfected and cleaned. Some are made from wool, others from nylon. This difference in material composition makes cleaning methods differ for both. Only a professional cleaner knows what works for what or not. They are trained to do this; it is their area of specialization. They will clean your carpets without harming it, your environment, or your family.

Tough Stains

Professional cleaners gain experience over time from cleaning different kinds of carpets and combating various stains. It is very likely that the tough stain you believe will never go off is one they’ve come across and handled in past jobs. With the right equipment and cleaning agents, those stains will be gone in no time. Professional solutions are much more powerful than vinegar or household cleaners. This will be accomplished with little moisture left in your carpet. Within a couple of hours, your carpet will be dry and once again, alive.

Manufacturer’s Recommendation

Manufacturers have a better understanding of the carpets they make. It’s their creation after all. Carpet manufacturers recommend that you get your carpet professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months. They must have good reasons for recommending that. Your carpet will last longer and the early onset of wear and tear will be prevented. More so, you stand a chance of benefitting from the warranties they provide if you stick with their recommendation. However, be careful as most manufacturers do not recommend steam cleaning.

The Holiday Season

Winter - the season of the year that earns your home more visitors than it has seen all year. The start of winter is a perfect time to get your carpets cleaned professionally. This will improve the overall appearance of your home, something a DIY approach won’t achieve. You’ll have your home sparkling clean and welcoming by the time the cleaning is over.

There are many more reasons why a professional clean cannot be overlooked or completely ditched. Vacuuming basically takes off surface dirt, leaving out deeply embedded dirt. And have you noticed how much moisture your carpet retains and how long it takes it to dry after every time you clean them yourself? 

A DIY approach might be cheap but it’s definitely not the best. Get a professional carpet cleaner to do the job - today!

Long Beach Cleaning recommend these carpet cleaners in Long Beach, California:

Amazing Care Chem-Dry
180 East Pepper Drive, Long Beach, CA 90807
(562) 302-1689

Long Beach Carpet & Floors
2934 E 1st Street, Long Beach, CA 90803
(562) 333-2121

B.D.E. Carpet Care
2265 Mcnab Ave, Long Beach, CA 90815
(562) 900-7654

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